Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Ok, so you know how there'll be an event hosted by TV9 and WWF this weekend at The Curve, Mutiara Damansara right? I, as apart of the team would like to request for those of you who will show up...please oh please do as follow...

-Wear the Offcial Red Bells badges ! All three of them if you have it.

-Wear a tshirt/shirt or whatever top that is Red in colour!

It'll be awesome if all of our supporters shows up this weekend to show your support and come have fun with us !

-The Red Bells

Monday, September 28, 2009

Tea For Trees !

Please come and show your support for our team, The Red Bells this weekend !

Date: 3rd and 4th of October. (this Saturday and Sunday, mark you calendars!)

Venue: The Curve, Mutiara Damansara. (Fashion Court)

The results will be announced during the event, so better be there and pray together with us !

PS don't forget to wear the badges you've bought from us on both days to show that you are our true supporters ;)

-The Red Bells

Thursday, September 17, 2009



Are you confuse or have problems with the voting system ?

not to worry

cause the red bells are here !

If you follow these step-by-step instructions, surely it can fasten the voting process :D ;

firstly, you need to enter the original site (http://orangutan.com.my/) and press the "new hope orang-utan school program" like so,

after that, there's a few links at the side of the page . By that, you need to find 'vote' which is located at the lowest position.

Finally , all you need to do is just find our picture blog which has our school name and blog link under it.

and THAT IS IT ! very easy peasy lemon squeezy :D

but if you've no time and have already know the drill, you can just copy and paste this link below and click 'VOTE' ! :D


Many thanks!

-The Red Bells

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Latest update about the voting !

"Dear Nurlyn,

The voting will only be starting tomorrow officially, we are still undergoing trial process and fix the comments that we received from callers in regards of the confusion that were caused on the webpage.

I sincerely apologized for what has happened.

And for the voting issue that you were mentioning, we will restart the whole system. The previous votes will not be taken into account. So no need to worry.

Remember to log onto the webpage tomorrow to continue your votes and also please spread the news around to your friends and classmates.

adik di 9"

-The Red Bells

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Our own board !


from left; nurlyn, miza, sabrina, shazwani.

We got a visit from TV 9 ! ;)

Don't forget to vote for us, yeah?

Copy and paste this link for short ;

Make sure you are voting for the right team ! Our stars are fourth row on the right, outside of the box. Do vote for us :)

-The Red Bells

Monday, September 14, 2009

Good news for us and our supporters !

Hey friends, just a quick update to ya'll,
good news! we have just been informed that THE RED BELLS had been selected for the top 10 blogspot!
we are so excited extremely happy to hear that, not only we've spent a lot of our time for a good cause, we are also being acknowledged by doing so .
By that, we would like to give great, correction BIG thanks to EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU. we are so lucky to have you guys as our supporters to give a better future for our friends, the orangutans. again THANK YOU ♥♥♥

oh yeah to spare your curiosity, here's the letter we've obtained from the adik9. enjoy ;

"Hi there,

Congratulation to your team that has been selected for the top 10 blogspots.
In oder for us to proceed further in the selection could your team provide us with the following:-

1) Team member name (all) and also the recruited team members
2) Guardian / Teacher Name

We would like your team members to courier or send the items / artworks that has been produced by your team to TV9 for exhibition purposes on the "Tea for Tree" event that is upcoming.

You may invite your friends, families and supporting fans to vote for your blog on
http://www.orangutan.com.my/ website. stay tune to TV9 for the start of the voting period.

For the top 10 shorlisted blogspot, you are invited to join our event "Tea for Tree" that will be held at The ***** on the *rd & *th Oct from 10am - 10pm.

If your team has any available items / artworks that wish to be sell during the event to collect donation, do inform us, we could arrange for a booth for your team to carry out such activity.

Please provide us your contact no and your guardian contact no for us to contact for the event reservation place.

If you need further enquiries, kindly do not hesitate to contact 03-7952****.

adik di 9"

we will update if there's any new information regarding on this awareness. so friends, please stay tuned .

-The Red Bells

Monday, August 31, 2009

Dead Line

So today is the last day for us to post anything up here. We would like to take the chance to say,

"Thank You to our supporters. Those who bought our badges, those who signed the petition, those who promoted our team on Tumblr and Twitter and others ! You're help and support are very much appreciated by us !"

"And thanks to WWF and other organizations that has anything to do with this blog contest for giving us a chance to help save the Orangutans. Not only we did that, we also learned new things through out this whole thing, friendships and hardships."

Happy Independence Day to all of our Malaysian supporters !

Yours truly,
-The Red Bells

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Take it from our Supporter

This is taken from Nabilah Radzi's Tumblr. We hope you don't mind ! ;)

I bought this button last week before puasa month and its from The Red Bells Team. I think their team is one of the bestest team for saving the Orang Utan campaign. Even though i didnt vote for them in blogspot (i dleted my acc) i always support them. Hope they win this campaign and save Orang Utan ;D"

You can, too show your support for us by posting a post about our activities/team/awareness. Please do so ! You'll be a big help :D

Big thanks to Nabilah Radzi for your support !

-The Red Bells

Friday, August 28, 2009

Cruel things done towards Orangutans will effect us, too !

We need to not use and harm these kind of animals, especially if the species are in extinction. ORANG UTANS are in a very critical state, we need to realize our mistakes and change for the better.

video done by: Miza Rasyida
-The Red Bells

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ways you can help save Orangutans !

This post is made by one of The Red Bells.

"Okay, so my Mom has been donating money to WWF every month for the past 3 years, it is very little but I think the thought that counts. And besides, if you multiply it by 36 months, it is a lot. But then, not many people are willing to spend their money like that even if it is for a good cause because you know how expansive modern lifestyle is. So, I would like to make this program approachable for all ages. Not make it impossible.

I am gonna let you know a few things for you to do, in order to save the Orangutans.

1. Use less paper or anything that comes from trees. Even if it sounds like it has nothing to do with Orangutans, it does, actually. Orangutans' main habitat is the tropical rain forest. If we, keep on cutting down the trees, these creatures will lose their habitats and then, they'll have no where to live. And they'll bother us at our homes, stealing food and what nots. Bear in mind, it is us who took their place, first :)

2. When you see a person harming Orangutans, report immediately. Be it, killing them, torturing them in any way. Report to WWF, or any organizations that has anything to do with animal rights. Orangutans are animals, meaning they are too, God's creature. We don't have the right to take their lives away from them. Or harm them in any way.

3. Adopt them. No, not take them to live with you. But, be their owner. You can visit them every week and bring food, basic things. You know how, Orangutans will get attached to you if you love them. They will love you back ! Now, that's a good thing for everyone to have ;)

I will post more, if anything comes to my mind, soon. Remember, it's all about the love. Hihi

Yours truly, Nurlyn."

Picture above: One of our main supporters. Nurlisa Ameera, 18. Or else known as Kak Long.